2744:: 1st Edition 1997: “Silver Masters of Mexico, Hector Aguilar and the Taller Borda” by Penny C. Morrill


1st Edition 1997: “Silver Masters of Mexico, Hector Aguilar and the Taller Borda”
by Penny C. Morrill

ISBN 10: 088740961X [HARDCOVER}
ISBN 13: 9780887409615
Published by Schiffer Publishing (Atglen, PA 1997)

Dimensions: 11¼”H 8¾”W
Brand NEW. FINE / FINE, mylar protected.
Weight: 1417g = about 3 lbs + packaging

Mexico 1920-1960 c.H: 11.25"W: 8.75"D: 1417g"Reference number: 2021.2744