1579:: 1st Edition 1997, second printing 1998, hardcover cloth. “Southern Furniture 1680-1830: The Colonial Williamsburg Collection” by Ronald L. HURST and Jonathan Prown

1579:: 1st Edition 1997, second printing 1998, hardcover cloth.
“Southern Furniture 1680-1830: The Colonial Williamsburg Collection”
by Ronald L. HURST and Jonathan Prown

Published by Colonial Williamsburg (Williamsburg, 1997)
ISBN 10: 0879352000
ISBN 13: 9780879352004

Dimensions: 11½”H 9½”W
Like NEW. Fine/Fine, mylar protected.
Weight: 3294g = 7.3 lbs + packaging (it’s MASSIVE)

USA 19th Century c.Reference number: 2021.1579