1548:: 1st Edition: “DRAWING ON AMERICA’S PAST Folk Art, Modernism, and the Index of American Design” by Virginia Tuttle Clayton, et al.

1548:: 1st Edition: “DRAWING ON AMERICA’S PAST Folk Art, Modernism, and the Index of American Design”
by Virginia Tuttle Clayton; Elizabeth Stillinger; Erika Doss; Deborah Chotner

Published by University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, 2002)
ISBN 10: 0807827940
ISBN 13: 9780807827949

Dimensions: 11¼”H 9¼”W
Weight: 1715g = about 3.8 lbs + packaging
Like NEW. F/F, mylar protected.

USA 19th Century c.Reference number: 2021.1548